
Deep Learning

About Course

  • The Deep Learning Specialization provides a pathway for you to take the definitive step in the world of AI by helping you gain the knowledge and skills to level up your career In this Specialization, you will build and train neural network architectures such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTMs, Transformers, and learn how to make them better with strategies.
  • You will learn the best practices to train and develop test sets and analyze bias/variance for building deep learning applications

What is deep learning

What will I learn


    1. What is neural network?
    2. Building Neural Network with Python Programming
    3. How neural networks works?
    4. Perceptron
    5. Gradient descent
    6. Stochastic Gradient descent
    7. Feed Forward and Back Propagation
    8. Batch Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent
    1. Overview of deep learning
    2. Installing TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe
    3. TenserFlow Basics
    4. Placeholders in Tensorflow
    5. Defining placeholders
    6. Feeding placeholders with data
    7. Variables
    8. Constant
    9. Self-Organizing Maps
    10. Computation graph
    11. View Data with Pylab
    12. Activation functions
    13. What are activation functions?
    14. Sigmoid function
    15. ReLu -Rectified Linear units
    16. Softmax function
    1. Exploring the MNIST dataset
    2. Defining the hyper parameters
    3. Model definition
    4. Building the training loop
    5. Over-fitting and Under-fitting
    6. Building Inference
    1.  Introduction to CNN
    2. Train a simple convolutional neural net
    3. Pooling layer in CNN
    4. Building, training and evaluating our first CNN
    5. Model performance optimization
    1. What are Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)?
    2. Understanding a Recurrent Neuron in Detail
    3. Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) 
    4.  Back propagation Through Time(BPTT)
    5. Implementation of RNN in Keras 
    6. BoltzMann Machines 
    7.  AutoEncoders
    1. Defining the hyper parameters
    2. Building a simple deep neural network
    3.  Convolution in keras
    4. Pooling
    5. Dropout technique

Why ?

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