

About Course

This course will cover all aspect of the Java programming language in great clarity and granularity. You will begin with the basics, starting with the installation of the required software. You will learn topics like “What is Java?”, Variables, Operators, etc. to get an excellent understanding of the fundamentals of Java, including Arrays and Functions. You will learn to design algorithms as well as develop and debug programs. You will write programs that access and transform images, websites, and other types of data.



What will I learn

Why ?


Topics for this course

    1.  Understanding Requirement: why JAVA
    2. Why java important to the internet
    3. Java Virtual machine Architecture 
    4. Role of Just In time compiler (JIT) 
    5. Execution Engine
    1. Data Types , Variables ad Arrays
    2. Working on List, Set, Maps 
    3. ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList 
    4. HashSet, LinkedHashmap, TreeMap 
    5. Operators
    6. Control statements
    1. Class fundamentals 
    2. Commands line arguments 
    3. Learning Static Initializer 
    4. Declaration of objects 
    5. Instance variable Hiding 
    6. Overloading and Overriding of Methods 
    7. Understanding of Access Controls (private, public and protected)
    8. Learning Nested and Inner classes 
    9. Dynamic method Dispatching 
    10. Using Abstract classes 
    11. Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance
    1. Defining a package
    2. Understanding CLASSPATH 
    3. Access Protection
    4. Importing packages 
    5. Defining and Implementing interfaces 
    6. Anonymous classes 
    7. Abstract classes Vs Interfaces 
    8. Adapter classes
    1. Fundamental of Exception handling ∙ Types of Exceptions 
    2. Learning exceptions handlers ∙ Try and Catch
    3. Multiple catch Clauses 
    4. Nested Try statements
    5. Throw , throws and finally
    6. Creating custom exceptions
    7. Assertion
    1. Learning String Operation
    2. Learning character Extraction
    3. Learning string Comparison
    4. Understanding string Buffer Classes
    5. String builder class 
    6. Creating Immutable Class
    7. Vargs
    8. Static Import
    9. For each
    10. String in which
    11. Multiple exception handling
    12. Dimond Operator

Target Audience