
Data Science

About Course

  • Interested in learning more about data science, but don’t know where to start? The program consists of different courses that will provide you with the latest job-ready tools and skills, including open source tools and libraries, Python, databases, SQL, data visualization, data analysis, statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning algorithms. This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you’ll need throughout to kick start your career.Data science is one of the hottest professions of the decade, and the demand for data scientists who can analyze data and communicate results to inform data driven decisions has never been greater. This Professional Certificate from IBM will help anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science or machine learning develop career-relevant skills and experience.


What will I learn

Datascience lifecycle

Why? - Description


Topics for this course

    1. What is data analysis?
    2. Why python for data analysis? Essential Python Libraries Installation and setup
    1. Creating single dimension and multidimensional array
    2. Data-Frames
    3. Array attributes Indexing and Slicing and Creating array views and Manipulating Array Shape
    4. Basic Statistics with Numpy Linear Algebra & Creating a Numpy Mask Array
    1. Writing/Reading CSV files with numpy
    2. Reading and Writing to Excel with JSON Format
    3. Beautiful Soup
    1. Installation matplotlib Basic matplotlib plots Scatter plots
    2. Saving plots to file
    3. Plotting functions in pandas
    1. Decision tree
    2. Linear / Logistics regression
    3. Naive Bayes Classification
    4. k-Nearest Neighbors
    1. Install nltk Tokenize wordssic matplotlib plots Scatter plots
    2. Tokenizing sentences Stop words with NLTK
    3. Stemming words with NLTK Speech tagging
    4. Sentiment analysis with NLTK
    1. Setting up opencv
    2. Loading and displaying images Applying image filters Tracking faces
    3. Face recognition
    1. What is Hadoop? MapReduce
    2. File handling with Hadoopy Pig
    3. Pyspark

Target Audience